The 2005 general meeting of Canada Society of Yi Jing took place at the Sichuan Restaurant,10703-103 Street, the 25th February 2005. There were 30 members and guests present. They were Mr. James Smith and Mrs. Vivian Chan-Smith and their friend, Mr. Jack Hurt, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence & Tina Yip, Mr. and Mrs. Hong Zhou, Mr. William Yu, Mr. and Mrs. Chee Liaw, Ms. Angie Wu, Mr. Jui-teng Tseng, Mr. Stephen Chan and his brother and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Foo, Mr. and Mrs. Huang, Mr. Kenneth Smith, Mr. Andy Leung, Mr. Zheng, Dr. Zuo Zhiguan’s representative and Mr. Honghai Deng.
Mr. James Smith presided as the chairman and called the meeting to order at 7:30. After introducing each new comers, he stated that the purpose of this meeting was to select the next term board of the Canada Society of Yi Jing and approve the proposal for the society’s activities in 2005. He listed the names of the candidates for the next term board members and asked everyone’s opinion on how to run the Society in 2005.
Mr. Hurt Jack cast a Hexagram for 2005 – Kun that protects the society will have good fortune in 2005 to develop its activities.
Mr. Stephen Chan emphasized the importance of the study and application of Yi Jing citing his own case of improving his home Feng Shui as an example.
Mr. Huang Young said he was interested to learn Yijing and asked help from the society.
Mr. Jui-teng Tseng also said he is interested in studying Yi Jing and requested help from the society.
Mr. Kenneth Smith said he would be like to continuously act as a member of the society.
Mr. Honghai Deng suggested that the Society should reduce the meetings and set up our website to help people in studying and applying Yijing, based on the society’s experience in the past six years.
Mr. Lawrence Yip, Mr. Chee Liaw, Ms. Angie Wu, Mr. Jui-teng Tseng and Dr.Zuo Zhiguan’s proxy expressed their supports for reducing the meetings and seting up our website.
The meeting elected the next term Board of directors as follows:
President: Mr. Hurt Jack
Vice-President: Mr. Chee Liaw
Secretary: Mr. Honghai Deng
Treasure: Ms. Angie Wu
Director: Mr. James Smith
Mr. James Smith moved for adjournment at 10:00.